
长沙 中海寰宇天下SPORT HALL公园 | 活力虹影

派澜设计 看见景观 2023-09-06




Landscape is a play space that can stimulate imagination, creativity and desire to explore the environment. It is another practice of the concept of play and growth.

/ 项目概况 /

中海寰宇天下SPORT HALL公园位于著名的星城——长沙,周边商业与住宅聚集,人流密集,外部公共空间需求较高。场地原本是一个林木杂乱、高差复杂的闲置场地,也是周边为数不多可以使用的户外开放空间,设计师希望通过公园的建设,提升周边居民的文化生活,链接社区与自然的关系,激发城市的活力。
Zhonghai Huanyu Tianxia SPORT HALL Park is located in Changsha, The site was originally an idle site with cluttered trees and complex height differences. It is also one of the few open outdoor spaces that can be used in the surrounding area. The designer hopes that through the construction of the park, the cultural life of the surrounding residents will be improved, the relationship between the community and nature will be linked, and the city will be stimulated. 's vitality.

/ 景观设计解析 /
Detailed Iandscape Design

According to the different functions of the venue, the space is divided into two major themes,  display space and  activity space.
IP的融入,中海地产首席梦想官“小海Heybo”和他的可爱小助理“冰糖Beta”来到了充满活力的长沙寰宇天下SPORT HALL,变身运动达人,换上了“我爱长沙“运动T恤,将在这里开展一场动感的运动探索之旅。个性化的IP是项目的点睛之笔,以故事线的手法组织场地玩法,让场地更具个性化,对儿童更有吸引力。
With IP implanted, "Xiaohai Heybo", the chief dream officer of China Overseas Real Estate, and his cute assistant "Bingtang Beta" came to the vibrant SPORT HALL in Changsha Huanyu Tianxia. ) sports T-shirts, a dynamic sports exploration tour will be launched here.
The use of color is also a feature of the project. Children are in the process of gradually forming their own personality and having their own world view, and the frequent use of color can achieve a subtle education.
Here, we emphasize the language of color, using a large area of pure color, or combining several colors to create a strong visual impact. For example, the orange-red tones in the site connect the architecture, interior and landscape in one go. Being in it is like playing in an orange ocean.

# 01
Close to the side of the road, the ground is flat, as the image space of the project.
Tree Array Space: A gathering place under the shade of trees, the summer is lush and green, and the autumn red glow is brilliant. People travel through the space, the landscape flows in time, and the trees grow quietly.
The artistic flower border on the outside of the building connects the indoor and outdoor landscape artistic conception, and enjoys the scenery of the four seasons with a feast of green plants.
Delicate plants grow quietly and powerfully.

# 02
As the main activity space in the site, it makes full use of the original topography of the site and retains the original topographic features to the greatest extent. Combined with the current natural base and activity content, a series of interesting installations such as green five-a-side football field, parent-child fun basketball court, skateboard surf slope, three-dimensional runway, interstellar slide, and mirror shuttle tunnel are created.
Children's playground is not just a place where all kinds of equipment are placed. It can be landscape oriented and artistic. In combination with the terrain change of the site, the theme designed structures and game equipment, and the theme style plant configuration, create a scenic children's playground.

The movable lawn near the side of the building is equipped with large-scale inflatable art installations and cute bear images, bringing a happy and healing artistic atmosphere for residents to interact, take pictures, and punch cards.

cleverly integrates natural topography with children's amusement facilities, makes up for the height difference through dynamic runways and air corridors, and uses the height difference to set up ladders, rock climbing, net climbing, skateboards and other amusement facilities. 

The underwood Paradise is a multi-functional plaza, with three big trees supporting the whole space as a skeleton. The tree pool, combined with the parental care bench, sinks on the undulating terrazzo floor. Adults and children can enjoy themselves here.

The climbing mat is combined with haha mirror space, which is connected to the top space of the site through this mirror box. 
The continuous reflection of the mirrored wall creates a wonderful visual effect.

Slide, climb, crawl space
The slide is a game for the brave, and it is the child's first perception of speed.
Crawling is a challenger's game, and the hill-shaped crawl is full of children's chasing and laughter.
The orange vitality runway, passing through the staggered gardens, awakens the quiet vitality.

Use crawling to move through different spaces

Play a fun basketball game and unlock a variety of new shooting poses!

Here you can hold a mini parent-child football game for all ages and score goals with passion
Create a double-layer stand to digest the height difference of the venue, the upper layer can be used as a football viewing platform, and the lower layer is equipped with rest benches, which brings a strong sense of shock to the fans.
"Children's games are not just play, they should be regarded as their most serious actions." Just as the thinker Montaigne said, we seriously and seriously think and practice how to create a play area that children love, so that children can play in a friendly Play and release yourself in the environment, establish a connection and dialogue with the world, and grow happily.

/ 景观结语 /

Look up to see the mountains, and listen to the birdsong. Let children play and release themselves in the natural environment, and establish a connection and identity with nature.

项目名称 |  长沙中海寰宇天下虹影SPORT HALL公园
项目地址 |  湖南 长沙
景观设计面积 |4350 m²
竣工时间 |  2022年
业主单位 |  中海地产长沙公司
建设方设计管理团队 |  何滔、刘澈、陈湘桂、彭迎春、唐文俊、李耀、王丹、沈奇、闵捷
景观设计 | 深圳市派澜景观规划设计有限公司
建筑设计 | 上海拓观
室内设计 |  深圳万相无形
摄影单位 | 超越视觉

感谢 派澜设计

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